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We care about you and want you to know that Recover Care shares the world’s concern for mitigating transmission of COVID-19. To that end, we want our clients, families and communities to know that we are working diligently to implement CDC recommendations in relation to COVID-19 virus.  We share the following resources so together we can proactively prevent further spread and minimize the effect of COVID-19.

Recover Care Client Resources

Recover Care Employee Resources

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Sarah Peterson's Journey:
Shining in the Darkness

Read about Sarah's time working in New York City saving lives during COVID-19.

Emotional Health Resources

It’s understandable that in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic many people may experience heightened distress or anxiety, affecting their thoughts and emotions. We hope these resources will be helpful.

Woman Depressed. Series. Sad girl looking out of window,vintage filtered.

Face Mask Resources

As many of you have likely seen, community members have been doing all they can to help with the shortage of medical face masks. We wanted to share two resources in case you or someone you know is interested in creating face masks for our team as well as add some clarity of purpose. 

Please note that these masks are not recognized by the CDC and should not be considered as a replacement to a surgical mask. We are offering them to clients as feel good measure that can add some additional protection. The masks being created can also be used over the n95 mask. We all want to help in some way possible, this can be an avenue of purpose.